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Karel Havlíček - ABOVE GROUND - O2 Universum Live

Karel Havlíček - ABOVE GROUND - O2 Universum Live

24. 11. 2023 - PRAGUE - O2 Universum - Electric Universe Karel Havlíček performed in Prague for 3000 + people. Accompanied by STRO.MY orchestra, he played a song from his latest album, SPOKEN. CONDUCTOR Jiří Trtík I. VIOLIN Káťa Krejčová (concertmaster) Káťa Kratochvílová Diana Kolláriková Alžběta Králová Silvie Hessová II. VIOLIN Pavel Hrala (leader) Tereza Petrová Jhullymar Blanca Ivana Morysová Sára Zvěřinová VIOLA Vika Mendzhul (leader) Karolína Franclíková Františka Barochová Vladislav Syčov CELLO Juraj Škoda (leader) Anna Kalhausová Judita Škodová Keishiro Mikawa DOUBLE BASS Lukáš Holubík Filip Dokljanov Tiago Di Bella GUITAR Martin Homola FLUTE Oto Reiprich HARP Nasťa Subina TRUMPET Jan Suchan HORN IN F Eliška Kopová Kamila Kolářová TROMBONE Bára Kolafová BASS TROMBONE Jiří Molcan PERCUSSION Štěpán Hon Vít Rafael Matyska CHOIR SOPRANO Klára Jelínková Klára Findeisová Sabina Elena Müller Vanda Rochová Yevgenia Nekrassova Kateřina Jindřichová Kristýna Palatá Anna Astrakhantseva Lada Karasková Klára Muknšnáblová Alžběta Prášilová Simona Suchanová ALTO Sabina Olijve Terka Převorová Kateřina Šídlová Anna Čečrdlová Alex Truhlářová Alice Kudláčková Barbora Cepníková Anna Bellová Anna Šrámková Eliška Skaler TENORE Viktor (Nikita) Stěpaněnko Jakub Ryšánek Milan Lenc Alexandros Goulas Ondra Holub Martin Homola Mikoláš Volek Tomáš Lysoněk Serhii Matviichuk BASSO Martin Keberle Michal Valenta Kryštof Turza Filip Grgurinović Šimon Nesporý Jakub Tomášek 24. 11. 2023 PRAGUE - O2 Universum - Electric Universe Karel Havlíček performed in Prague for 3000 people. Accompanied by STRO.MY orchestra, he played a song from his latest album, SPOKEN.
Above Ground - Karel Havlíček

Above Ground - Karel Havlíček

Director : Maxmilian Turek D.o.p. : Alexander Šurkala Editor : Marek Kralovský Production : Boogie Films - Postproduction : PFX - Graphic Design: MAXIM - Sound: Kabelovna Studios - Management: Karolina Wernerova In memory of my father. Karel Havlíček is a Czech music composer and multi-instrumentalist. Based in Prague and Los Angeles. The solo album SPOKEN is the result of the most profound thoughts, emotions, and stories, reflecting Karel's life and experiences from two completely different parts of the world. It further depicts a deep connection he has with his twin Maxim, who has been living in L.A. for the last 20 years and, as a painter, has also, in some ways, inspired Karel's music. Thanks to the bond and artistic intertwine they share, Karel has learned the nuances of communication between music and visual art, and it helped him develop his musical journey. Although Karel has many years of experience as a composer in film and television series production, this is his debut solo album. After all, film music composition is very present on his first solo album. With its melody and character, it can resemble the compositional works of Max Richter, Ólafur Arnalds, or Federico Albanese. The piano is Karel's primary instrument of expression. Strings and sensitively embedded wind instruments accompany it. Spoken offers 17 songs that work together as one phase of his life.
Karel Havlíček - Daylight

Karel Havlíček - Daylight

Karel Havlíček - Daylight (2022) played Live in Prague Prague & L.A. based music composer : Karel Havlíček​ Ensamble: STRO.MY Ensemble Piano: Karel Havlicek Strings: Terezie Kovalová, Terezie Charvátová, Pavel Hrala, Adam Pechočiak, Lukáš Holubík Vibraphone: Tonda Procházka Special Guest: Jiří Trtík Graphic Design: MAXIM Director: Lucie Desmond Production and Management : Karolina Wernerova Spotify: Apple Music: Karel Havlíček is a Czech music composer and multi-instrumentalist. Based in Prague and Los Angeles. In recent years, as a musician and author, Karel has mainly focused on writing music for television series and film. His work has appeared in HBO Europe (tv series Mamon and Therapy) as well as the Czech Television series (Vzteklina - Rabies). He is also the composer of the original soundtrack for the award-winning feature documentary Lion Ark. Over the years, Karel has written music for many foreign and Czech commercials, as well as created sound designs for television news, theater performances, and charity spots. As a keyboard player, he played in the leading indie band Southpaw, with which they released six albums (2001 - 2009). The solo album Spoken is the result of the most profound thoughts, emotions, and stories, reflecting Karel's life and experiences from two completely different parts of the world. It further depicts a deep connection he has with his twin Maxim, who has been living in L.A. for the last 20 years and, as a painter, has also, in some ways, inspired Karel's music. Thanks to the bond and artistic intertwine they share, Karel has learned the nuances of communication between music and visual art, and it helped him develop his musical journey. Although Karel has many years of experience as a composer in film and television series production, this is his debut solo album. After all, film music composition is very present on his first solo album. With its melody and character, it can resemble the compositional works of Max Richter, Ólafur Arnalds, or Federico Albanese. The piano is Karel's primary instrument of expression. Strings and sensitively embedded wind instruments accompany it. Spoken offers 17 songs that work together as one phase of his life.
Moderna: Karel Havlíček & Stro.My Ensemble - Florescence

Moderna: Karel Havlíček & Stro.My Ensemble - Florescence

Moderna - hudební cyklus kulturní platformy GOODGOOD. Představuje lokální hudební skladatele a skladatelky moderní a neoklasické klasické hudby v netradičních prostorech architektonické moderny. /// Moderna - music series of the cultural platform GOODGOOD. It presents czech composers of modern classical and neoclassical music at unconventional spaces of architectural modernism. Karel Havlíček Spotify: Apple Music: Instagram: Stro.My Ensemble (dirigent Jiří Trtík) Partners & Thanks! Generální partner: Magistrát hl. města Prahy: Petrof: Moët Hennessy: Právnická fakulta: Kabelovna studios: KW creative: Video: Jan Ruttner, Filip Knoll & Jakub Salavec Mix & Master: Mikoláš Růžička, Karel Havlíček Thank you to everyone who participated in the event and to all visitors ♡ :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: GOODGOOD Instagram Facebook


THE WORLD OF ACOUSTIC grand and upright pianos has always been described as conservative and monotonous. PETROF counters this stereotype in cooperation with the brothers Karel and MAXIM Havlíček. Together, they created a unique work of art that connects completely different worlds in one instrument, PETROF GEMINI. PETROF GEMINI is a high-end instrument, a work of art, and a spectacular interior design element. Through hammers and strings, romantic tones fly out of it. The sound can also be transformed into digital form, thanks to the built-in adsilent system. PETROF Gemini can be both loud and completely silent by plugging in the headphones. THANK TO THE PAINTING on the back, the piano can stand independently in the middle of a room. If you decide to put the instrument against the wall, the painting can be easily removed and hung on the wall. THE CRAFTSMANSHIP is reflected in all aspects of PETROF GEMINI, starting in production, through painting, to the moment when the pianist's fingers touch the keys for the first time. This brings together the world of music, craft, design, and painting. The painter MAXIM has been known around the world for many years. His large-format abstract canvases, in combination with the manufacturer of high-end grand and upright pianos, PETROF, created a spectacular symbiosis which is what every lover of culture and beauty dreams of. _______________ CZ: SVĚT AKUSTICKÝCH klavírů a pianin byl vždy označován za velmi konzervativní a jednotvárný. PETROF vyvrací tento stereotyp a ve spolupráci s bratry Karlem a Maximem (MAXIM) Havlíčkovými vytvořil unikátní umělecké dílo, které propojuje zcela odlišné světy v jednom jediném nástroji, PETROF GEMINI. PETROF GEMINI je špičkový hudební nástroj, který se stává uměleckým dílem a vysoce designovým elementem interiéru. Prostřednictvím kladívek a strun se z něj linou romantické tóny, díky zabudovanému systému adsilent však dokáže transformovat zvuk i do digitální podoby. Umí být hlasitý i zcela tichý, když připojíte sluchátka. DÍKY OBRAZU na zadní straně může být piano umístěno jako solitér i ve volném prostoru. Pokud se rozhodnete umístit jej ke stěně, lze z piana jednoduše sundat a pověsit na zeď. RUČNÍ PRÁCE se do PETROF GEMINI promítá od jeho výroby, přes malbu až po okamžik, kdy se jej dotknou ruce pianisty. Tím spojuje svět hudby, řemesla, designu a malby. Umělecký malíř MAXIM působí na světové scéně již řadu let. Ze spojení jeho velkoformátových abstraktních pláten s výrobcem špičkových klavírů a pianin PETROF vznikla symbióza, která je snem každého milovníka kultury a krásy. _______________ Follow MAXIM / Sledujte MAXIMa _______________ Follow Karel/ Sledujte Karla _______________ Follow PETROF / Sledujte PETROF: IG: FB: _______________ Visit our site / Navštivte naš web: _______________ Contact us / Kontaktujte nás: _______________ Video: Nela Wojaczkova Production support: KWcreative.idea #PETROFGEMINI #PETROF #NEXTP127
Inner Strength Live - Karel Havlíček performed his song with STRO.MY ensemble in Prague

Inner Strength Live - Karel Havlíček performed his song with STRO.MY ensemble in Prague

Prague & L.A. based music composer : Karel Havlíček​ Piano: Karel Havlicek Ensemble: STRO.MY Video: Daniel Momany Production and Management : Karolina Wernerova Spotify: Apple Music: Karel Havlíček is a Czech music composer and multi-instrumentalist. Based in Prague and Los Angeles. In recent years, as a musician and author, Karel has mainly focused on writing music for television series and film. His work has appeared in HBO Europe (tv series Mamon and Therapy) as well as the Czech Television series (Vzteklina - Rabies). He is also the composer of the original soundtrack for the award-winning feature documentary Lion Ark. Over the years, Karel has written music for many foreign and Czech commercials, as well as created sound designs for television news, theater performances, and charity spots. As a keyboard player, he played in the leading indie band Southpaw, with which they released six albums (2001 - 2009). The solo album Spoken is the result of the most profound thoughts, emotions, and stories, reflecting Karel's life and experiences from two completely different parts of the world. It further depicts a deep connection he has with his twin Maxim, who has been living in L.A. for the last 20 years and, as a painter, has also, in some ways, inspired Karel's music. Thanks to the bond and artistic intertwine they share, Karel has learned the nuances of communication between music and visual art, and it helped him develop his musical journey. Although Karel has many years of experience as a composer in film and television series production, this is his debut solo album. After all, film music composition is very present on his first solo album. With its melody and character, it can resemble the compositional works of Max Richter, Ólafur Arnalds, or Federico Albanese. The piano is Karel's primary instrument of expression. Strings and sensitively embedded wind instruments accompany it. Spoken offers 17 songs that work together as one phase of his life.
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